Software Solutions


Let’s Check Our Software Solutions

Our advanced and powerful software assist your company increases Productivity, online leads, calls, and revenue. Easy Your Operational task and save time. Our expert team and cutting-edge technologies provide you an great advantage over your competitors.

BizHub - Business Manager

Business Management Software that provides business-related tasks in one place. Easy to use and save your time.

SchoolHub - Manager

Easy to use and most effective school management system. Now manage your student more effectively.

CloudHub - Online Drive

Best Personal Cloud File Solution for SMEs and Startup. Cutting Edge Technologies with a cost-effective solution.


Best PointOfService with online data backup. With all the necessary tools and a modern accounting systems.


1 Suite. many possibilities

All in one Business Management Suite for Business Owners

Everything from corporate financials, sales, and cash flow management to CRM is included in the BizHub Business Manager.

Implement new business models as you scale up. You can do any task fast and effortlessly with the versatility of our business suite application. Any industry and any form of company may utilize it. It is created from your thoughts and molded by our passion.


SchoolHub - Manager

School Management System

Implement new business models as you scale up. You can do any task fast and effortlessly with the versatility of our business suite application. Any industry and any form of company may utilize it. It is created from your thoughts and molded by our passion.


Web Design and Development Service

ICT Hub is an industry expert in Web design and development. ICT Hub offers inexpensive and adaptable web design and development services to customers worldwide. We provide first-rate web design services and solutions for eCommerce, Mobile, and Web applications, among others. We can provide you with unique web design and development services since we have decades of expertise in web design and development.


Web Design and Development Service

ICT Hub is an industry expert in Web design and development. ICT Hub offers inexpensive and adaptable web design and development services to customers worldwide. We provide first-rate web design services and solutions for eCommerce, Mobile, and Web applications, among others. We can provide you with unique web design and development services since we have decades of expertise in web design and development.

Our Happy Customers Said About ICT Hub

We are Doing exact same job that our clients want from us. We Not only provide Task we build relation with our clients.

Our Happy Clients

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